
The Systems Medicine laboratory makes use of experimental and computational approaches to molecularly characterise pathological and physiological processes. In particular, we analyse large biomolecular and clinical datasets with machine learning methods to formulate hypotheses, and validate results experimentally using biochemistry, molecular biology, and cellular and in vivo experiments.

The main objectives of the laboratory are:

  1. to identify new functions of cholesterol synthesis intermediates in cancer, development and homeostasis;
  2. to identify novel molecular targets in heart failure;
  3. to molecularly characterise genetic factors that predispose to diabetes;
  4. to characterise new molecules that promote longevity.


Open positions

There are open positions for talented researchers interested in metabolism. If you would like to be part of the team, send Elisa your CV and a cover letter with your application to join the laboratory.


Cholesterol Biosynthesis Intermediates

We are generously funded by the Human Technopole Early Career Fellowship to study the biological functions of distal cholesterol biosynthesis intermediates. 

Stay tuned for updates!

Metabolism and Physiology

Works in progress...

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Big Data Analysis for Biomedicine

Works in progress...

Stay tuned for updates!